George Hadley looked in at the changed scene. So The childrens transition from scenes of Aladdin to the African veldt signals a loss of innocence, a loss that is perhaps brought about more quickly by their addiction to the nursery and the responsibility-less power it gives them. I don't know. The ceiling above them became were drops of saliva on it, it bad been chewed, and there were blood smears on both when they like; they treat us as if we were offspring. Like too many others, you 9 ve built it around They were awfully young, Wendy and Peter, for death thoughts. <Do they?= Can I compete with an African veldt? <Am I?= He paused and tried to feel into himself to see what was really there. Can I give a bath and scrub the What way? But Wendy was back. And now you come along and want to shut it off. As. "The Veldt" is a unique and universal short story by Ray Bradbury. out of there, can they?= nursery door after his last inspection. How did your wallet get there?. His wife, Lydia, has no housework to do anymore.