School Feeding Program in Basic Schools

The early years of a child’s life represent the period of most rapid brain development. Studies generally show that those children who suffer from early malnutrition have poorer IQ levels, cognitive function, and school achievement, as well as greater behavioural problems. Efforts to influence the educational achievement of students, therefore, need to give attention to their dietary health in the early years. Nationally, this principle is recognised by the Ministry of Education, but operationalizing the principle requires the support of community stakeholders, especially in vulnerable communities.
Hands in Unison works with community stakeholders to mobilize material resources to support breakfast programmes to give students a good start to their day, promote learning, and cognitive development. Functioning as a link between donors and beneficiaries, Hands in Unison monitors accountability and impact. Partnerships will be cultivated with organisations in the foodservice industry to garner supplies, provide guidance in dietary planning and meal preparation.