Student Sponsorship

Despite a national policy of compulsory primary education many students are not regular in attendance in school, there-by placing their educational development at risk. Such children, often lack supportive parents who recognise the value of education in determining the quality of life enjoyed by their children. For others, financial challenges faced by the family force students to withdraw from school or cause parents to assign survival responsibilities to young children that interfere with school attendance.
The objective of the Student Sponsorship Programme is to address the twin concerns of providing financial support for accessing education, and cultivating a valuing of education by families withing targeted communities. Hands in Unison collaborates with stakeholders within targeted communities to mobilise financial and material resources and channels this support to the vulnerable through structured systems to assure transparency and effectiveness.
This intervention into the lives of vulnerable children and youth is expected to transform their lives. To ensure this impact, participants in the programme must be aligned with community- based support programmes which address personal development and positive parenting.
Service management systems include:
1. Sponsorship Registration
2. Donor platform
3. Sponsorship Tracking Database
4. Community partnerships to support resiliency training.